Opening an account

Application to open a call money account (Private Clients)

We are pleased that you would like to become a client of ProCredit Bank. Please complete sections 1 to 5 of this application form and then click on "next".

Personal details

You must be at least 18 years of age and hold a current account (Girokonto) in Germany

Official registered address (according to confirmation of course registration (Anmeldebestätigung))

Tel. (business)
Tel. (private)
Tel. (mobile)

Subject to taxation in the USA?

Holder of US citizenship/greencard/ resident alien?

Subject to taxation in another country?

Reference Account Details
How did you hear about us?
Have you received a promotional code? Please enter it here
Church tax

We will automatically transfer your church tax directly to the Tax Office (Finanzamt). In order to process the automatic transfer of church tax, we will enquire about each client’s church tax status upon establishment of the business relationship and once a year at the Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern). Would you prefer your church tax to be collected by the tax office (Finanzamt) instead of by us? If so, you can object to your church tax status being passed on to us. The appropriate application form for this can be found on the website of the Federal Central Tax Office ( under the heading “Church tax” (Kirchensteuer). Further information about German church tax can be found in our FAQ.

Data protection notice

The Bank shall process and use the personal data collected from you in line with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act to perform contractual obligations, in the balancing of interests, on the basis of your consent, on the basis of statutory requirements, or in the public interest. For further details, please see our information on data protection and the relevant contract documents.
The Bank shall process and use the personal data collected from you also to forward you bank- or product relevant information.

Information according to tax law for natural persons

Please note that the undersigned is legally obliged to provide the Bank with all information required for the self-disclosure completely and correctly (see section 3a (2) FKAustG, German Financial Account Information Exchange Act). In the event of a change in circumstances, the signatory is obliged to provide the Bank with correct and complete information in the form of a self-disclosure by the last day of the relevant calendar year or another suitable reporting period or 90 calendar days after the occurrence of the change in circumstances, whichever is later (see section 3a (3) FKAustG). Inaccurate or incomplete information can have legal implications in countries where a tax liability exists.

Reporting of personal data to the BZSt for account holders with reference to FATCA/CRS
Incorporation of the Business Conditions

The business relationship shall be governed by the General Business Conditions of the Bank. In addition, specific business relations shall be governed by Special Conditions deviating from or supplementing these General Business Conditions. Such Special Conditions shall in particular apply to the use of e-Banking and its inbox, the conditions for call money and term deposit accounts. The text of the individual conditions can be reviewed and downloaded at Business Conditions.

I acknowledge and agree to the following addition to the terms and conditions:

ProCredit Bank is entitled to charge a custody fee for the safekeeping of credit balances on all accounts and is also entitled to amend the custody fee amount at its own discretion (section 315 BGB - German Civil Code). The amount of the current custody fee is published at or can be queried by calling ProCredit Bank's customer service. In order to calculate the agreed custody fee, ProCredit Bank determines the daily balance per account and accrues the fee on a daily basis in accordance with the current conditions published on the bank's website. The charge determined in this way is debited with the statement of account at the end of the year.

In addition, information summarized in the Depositor Information Sheet on deposit protection apply. The Depositor Information Sheet can be downloaded and saved under Deposit Protection.

Prices are defined in ProCredit Bank’s price list.


If you have specified

  • a foreign nationality or
  • a foreign registered address

you must provide proof of identify using a passport (not an identification card). Please also send us a copy of your registration certificate (not older than 3 months).
If you are not a German citizen, but have indicated your place of residence ("official registered address") in Germany, we also require a copy of your residence registration certificate (Meldebescheinigung) not older than 3 months.

As a rule, you can find your tax ID number in the following documents:

  • in a letter from the Tax Office
  • your income tax assessment (Einkommensteuerbescheid)
  • on your income tax statement (Lohnsteuerbescheinigung) or your income tax card (Lohnsteuerkarte)

The tax identification numbers are valid for life. They consist of 11 digits (from which none of the bearer’s personal information can be deduced).

Further information is available here:

The commercial/tax identification number (W-IdNr./IdNr.) is issued by the tax office when initially contacted. The location of the company's registered office determines which tax office will be responsible.

If you normally spend more than 6 months abroad, you are classified as a non-resident.

If you pay income tax abroad, you are classified as a non-resident for tax purposes.


Please complete the FATCA form. We can only open your account if you send us a fully completed and signed form by post.

Please complete the Agreement on participation in EBICS for business clients and submit it along with the signed and completed account opening form.
Please enter your reference account information. Please note: Your reference account - your personal current account - must be in your name and can be with any bank in Germany. For your security, withdrawals from your call money account will only be transferred to your reference account.

Please let us know the changes in writing. We can only open your account if you submit your documents along with a signed and completed form.

Persons with right of sole and exclusive representation = E, Persons with a joint right of representation together with another person listed here = G.

Enter without special characters or leading zero - example: 6917175464

Enter without special characters or leading zero - example: 6917175464

Only one authorised representative may also be a sole signatory.

If your company is not domiciled in one of the countries in which ProCredit Banks operate or in Germany (with business ties to countries where ProCredit banks operate), please contact our Customer Service.

E-mail address for business and confidential correspondence, queries, etc. Please enter an e-mail address where we can reach you quickly.